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Caseinates are produced by adding an alkali to casein, then redissolving and drying it to create our range of caseinates. For many years Calcium Caseinate was the milk protein of choice for sports nutrition due to its high protein content, good flavour and low viscosity when dispersed in water permitting athletes to easily consume the quantity of protein that they required. Sodium Caseinate also contains highly purified proteins, with a good nutritional value and excellent functional properties - emulsifying and thickening.

Caseinate - More Information

The Calcium Caseinate (Protilight IP4) and Sodium Caseinate (Spray Dried) products are both exceptional choices if you wish to reap the benefits of a diet high in nutritional values. The high levels of protein contained in them make Caseinate the perfect choice for athletes wishing to up their protein intake to improve general health, performance and endurance.

Calcium Caseinate is ideal for the improvement of nutrition for clinical reasons, for infant nutrition and for slimming when included in a balanced diet. The Sodium Caseinate is also an excellent means to control and balance your diet; they contain highly purified proteins meaning they add multiple benefits to your sports based diet that will assist in your progression and improvement performance wise, and add to your general feelings of health and fitness. Choosing either of our Caseinate proteins will ensure you see a noticeable difference in your diet, health and fitness.

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